Styling MXHX Forms

Welcome back to our series on mastering UI design with! In Part 2, we explored MXHX’s powerful capabilities for defining UI components and layouts directly in the code tab. We covered layout types like AnchorLayout, HorizontalLayout, and VerticalLayout to help you build structured interfaces.

Now, in Part 3, we’re focusing on making your UIs look amazing by diving into advanced styling techniques. We’ll show you how to use MXHX to apply custom styles that enhance the visual appeal of your applications. Let’s get started and make your interfaces shine!

Creating a Feedback Form

  1. While in the Design Tab, drag a Form Container onto the Canvas.
  2. In the Common Properties tab, set its ID to "FeedbackForm" for easy identification.

    Screenshot: Giving ID

  3. Adjust the form’s dimensions to a width of 500px and a height of 300px.
  4. Apply a VerticalLayout with a 5px gap and set all paddings to 20px.

    The form should look like this:

    Screenshot: Blank Feedback Form

  5. Check the Outline Tab to verify that the form with ID "FeedbackForm" is listed. This helps you select it if other elements are in the way.

Put the Form Elements in Place

  1. Drag a Label component into the Feedback Form and set its text to “Give Us Your Feedback”.
  2. Drag another Label component and set its text to “Name:”.
  3. Drag a TextInput component below the “Name:” label.
  4. Drag another Label and set its text to “Feedback:”.
  5. Drag a TextArea component below the “Feedback:” label.
  6. Drag a Button and set its text to “Submit”.

    The result should look like this:

    Screenshot: Feedback Form with Elements

Styling Header

  1. Select the “Give Us Your Feedback” header by clicking on its element in the Design Tab or selecting its name in the Outline Tab.
  2. In the Properties Panel, go to the Common Properties tab and locate the Text Styles section.
  3. Set the font to _sans.
  4. Change the font size to 24.
  5. Set the color to 0x0c4a6e.

    Screenshot: Text Styles

    The result should look like this:

    Screenshot: Styled Header

Styling Labels

  1. Select the Name label.
  2. Set the font to _sans.
  3. Change the font size to 10.
  4. Set the color to 0x0c4a6e.
  5. Apply the Bold style.

  6. Repeat the same steps for the Feedback label.

    The result should look like this:

    Screenshot: Styled Labels

Styling the Fields

We can style the text fields to take up the entire width of our form. To do this:

  1. Select the Name TextInput field.
  2. In the Properties Panel, navigate to the Position & Size section.
  3. Set the Width to 100 and the units to %.

    Screenshot: Setting width to 100 percent

  4. Repeat the same steps for the Feedback TextArea.

    The result should look like this:

    Screenshot: Full Width

Styling the Form

  1. Select the FeedbackForm container. If you have trouble selecting it in the Designer Tab, you can also find it in the Outline Tab by the ID we assigned earlier.
  2. In the Properties Panel, go to the Background section.
  3. Set the SkinType to RectangleSkin. New properties should appear.
  4. Set the FillStyle to SolidColor and assign it the color 0xf0f9ff.
  5. Set the Border LineStyle to SolidColor and configure the following:

    • Thickness: 2
    • Color: 0x0c4a6e
    • Corner Radius: 10

    Screenshot: Background Properties

    The result should look like this:

    Screenshot: Form Border

Styling the Button

To style the button, we will adjust both the text styles and the background properties.

Text Styling
  1. Set the font to _sans.
  2. Set the font size to 14.
  3. Set the text color to 0xffffff.
  4. Apply the Bold style.
Background Styling

For now, we’ll focus on styling the button’s default state. It’s possible to apply different styles for states like Up, Hover, Down, and Disabled.

  1. Set the state to Default.
  2. Choose RectangleSkin for the skin type.
  3. Set the fill to a solid color of 0x0284c7.
  4. Set the Border LineStyle to SolidColor with the following properties:

    • Thickness: 2
    • Color: 0x0c4a6e
    • Corner Radius: 5
  5. Also, set the button width to 150px and height to 30px.

The result should look like this:

Screenshot: Styled Button


In Part 3, we took a deep dive into advanced styling techniques with and MXHX. You learned how to make your user interfaces not only functional but also visually stunning. By applying custom styles, you can now create cohesive and attractive designs that stand out.

With these styling skills under your belt, you’re ready to tackle Part 4, where we’ll focus on nested layouts. This next step will teach you how to build more complex and responsive designs, taking your UI development to the next level.

Stay tuned for more exciting tips and tricks as we continue our journey in UI design. For more resources, check out: